A dollar a day makes it easy to get away
I recently met a woman, who since the birth of her two daughters, has saved a dollar a day for each kid’s travel fund. Upon turning 14, and with more than $5,000, they can choose where in the world they’d like to go. Her youngest, who reaches that magical milestone this year, has chosen Australia.
If you’re strapped for cash — as most of us are after the money-gobbling holidays — the dollar a day method will eventually bring you closer to that dream vacation you’ve always wanted to take. But if you don’t have the patience to wait 14 years, you can divert your daily Starbucks addiction into the travel fund and brew your own cup of jo at home. Take your lunch to work instead of eating out. Quit smoking. You get the picture!
The key is to plan to go somewhere and start saving for it now. Make it your resolution and you’ll see how easy it is to keep.