The Tremont House impresses the moment you see the huge hotel spanning an entire downtown block of the Strand Historic District in Galveston, Texas. If you find yourself struggling between staying in the heart of downtown or choosing a beach stay, booking at The Tremont House gives you the best of both worlds. Head over to its sister property the Hotel Galvez & Spa to takes advantage of its pool and spa services.Read more
Episode 5 of “3 Minutes in Cuba”: Nature Calls at the Parque el Cubano Staying in a casa particular in Cuba is a lot like visiting long-lost relatives. You are a guest in someone’s private home. Now that the U.S. has relaxed restrictions on visiting Cuba, staying at a casa will help qualify most AmericanRead more
Episode 4 of “3 Minutes in Cuba”: Trinidad Street Photography We are hunting right now,” says Julio Muñoz as we wander the cobblestone avenues and alleyways of Trinidad, Cuba. “I want you to have an eagle’s eye.” We’re exploring the exquisitely preserved colonial town with the local photographer, who has been photographing the residents ofRead more
A first-timer discovers Michigan’s favorite island getaway Michiganders always have a map on hand. Anytime you talk to someone about places to visit in their state, he or she invariably puts up their right hand and points to a spot on their palm as if they were divining the future like a palm reader. TheRead more
The rugged beaches along Sonoma coastline are known for their pristine beauty, but danger lurks at the water’s edge. The sign at the end of the parking area at Goat Rock Beach says it all: “This is one of the most deadly beaches in California.” Strong rip currents, violent surf and sudden sleeper waves haveRead more
It doesn’t take much for an exotic destination to demand my attention, but seldom can I pinpoint the moment it starts to get under my skin enough to exacerbate my travel itch (an incurable chronic condition). Thanks to writer Jacqueline Detwiler, my bucket list has gotten even longer. The island of Palau started beckoning theRead more