The town that served as the backdrop for “The Shawshank Redemption” will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its filming this Labor Day weekend. Mansfield, Ohio, and its iconic Ohio State Reformatory, hosted Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, who starred in the 1994 film as convicted murderers. The reunion festivities include events and tours taking placeRead more
Toledo, Ohio, has never been hotter. And there’s no place where that is more evident than at the glass-blowing studio at the Toledo Museum of Art’s Glass Pavilion, where the ovens are cranked up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Each day, the resident artisans shape molten glass into beautiful works of art in front of crowdsRead more
Two weeks ago, my friend and I packed a picnic and made plans to take her kids to Wallace Lake in Berea, Ohio, for a day at the beach, complete with paddleboat rides on the water. When we got there, the boats were chained up on the shore — apparently grounded until further notice. “NoRead more